It's time for mind-blowing orgasms and awesome sex!


🔥10am EST: Writing Smut as Foreplay for Roleplay (presented by Jane Boon)

🔥12pm EST: Play y’all! Sex in Multiples: How to connect sensually & sexually in threesomes, foursomes, & more! (presented by Whos That Bear)

🔥1pm EST: Sensual Sado-Masochism Workshop (presented by Mistress Schari)

🔥2pm EST: Orgasm on Command! (presented by Bast Kitty)

🔥3pm EST: Pleasure Aides 101 (presented by Gigi)

🔥4pm EST: Sensual Massage: Let's Talk Touch (presented by Shalimar)

🔥5pm EST: Communicating about S3x Without Shame (presented by Áine)

🔥6pm EST: Hypnosis for Erotic & Sexual Freedom (presented by Michael J. Berkowitz)

🔥7:30pm EST: Tantra Conscious Erotic Touch (presented by Angelique Luna)

The social lounge will be open until Monday morning (when the team wakes up)!


🔥3pm EST: Open the social lounge, start connecting with the early birds & UK/EU folks

🔥8pm EST: Orel Sex 101: Learn to Lick (presented by Rain DeGrey)

🔥9:30pm - 10pm EST: Welcome Event

🔥10pm - midnight EST: Kinky Speed Dating & Virtual Social! Get to know the people at the event through casual chat, speed kinking, and more. 

The social lounge will be open 24 hours!


🔥10am EST: The Anatomy of an Orgasm: How to have more and Better Os (presented by Miss Nookie)

🔥12pm EST: Your Sensuality Begins with You (presented by Mz Jewcee)

🔥1pm EST: Speaking to Your Children About Sex and Kink (presented by Kay)

🔥2pm EST: Sacred Sexuality (presented by Danci)

🔥3pm EST: Introduction to Energy Sex (presented by Ico, the Wandering Love Mystic)

🔥4pm EST: Discovering Your Complex Sexual Self: The Circles of Sexuality (presented by Miss Leighanne)

🔥5pm EST: What's Your Orgasm "Recipe"? (presented by Aspen Long)

🔥6pm EST: Hot Flashes? Hot Sex! Menopause and s3xuality from both sides (presented by Carleeka)

🔥7:30pm EST: Sensuality on Demand: Tips from a pr0 on building your sensual library (presented by Jazmin Wu)

🔥9:00pm - Midnight ET: Kinky Speed Dating & Virtual Social! Meet more people from the event and reconnect with others through casual chat, speed kinking, and more.

The social lounge will be open 24 hours! 

Your Privacy...

We at Dating Kinky care about your privacy. In fact, we host monthly Keeping Secrets webinars all about protecting your kinky identity, and I've written a lot about how DK uses the information you give us and how to protect yourself. 

You'll probably want to look through those links, just to brush up.

The Classes & Workshops

Presenters will have audio and video, while attendees (that's you) will be chat-only during the presentations.

There is a Q&A section, to make sure that your questions stand out from the overall chatter, and there are reaction options to let you quickly let the speakers know how you feel.

The Social Events

If you've been to one of our online social events, then you know how this works.

Q. Do I need a certain app?

A. No. No need to download anything. You can access it through your web.

Q. Can I access with mobile?

A. Yes! Use the links below to get your mobile app.

Our social area is audio/video capable. As attendees, you'll be able to join an event-wide chat, grab a seat at a table with other kinksters, check out the exhibitor area (and join conversations there) and more.

All with audio and video! It's a great way of connecting with others.

If you've not really done much of this yet, you may want to read through our Video Privacy Tips and take any steps you might need to feel fully comfortable and ready to mingle.

Q. How do I protect my privacy?

A. I mentioned a few things ^^^ Up there.  

You will also want to look at this walk-through to get an idea of the event space and how to fill out your entry registration to protect yourself in the BEST way possible: 

A quick walk-through (highly recommended)

Here are a few more tips:

Continue with Email:
THIS is the most discreet way to enter the event.

Enter Your Name:
Put in your scene name, or whatever you'd like people to call you during the event. 

 We've also customized the form to give your pronouns, kink role and more. 

Q. Do I need to bring money?

A. No. There will be a few exhibitor booths, so you are welcome to look around, and you'll be given some cool offers, but really, everything for this weekend is included, so there's nothing you'll need your wallet for quickly.

Q. What should I expect?


Amazing kinky folk to meet and get to know, and make lasting friendships.

Laughter. We cut up a lot, and have a great time.

Learning. We love to learn, and the people that we choose to teach bring varied and interesting perspectives on kink.

Great conversations! So far, the social area has been home to some amazing (and deep!) conversation about kink, life, and everything, so come prepared!

Anything else? Well, that's just a cherry on top!

Q. Wait, are you recording everything?

A. No.

We are recording the educational events. The social areas for chat, video and audio are not recorded.

Q. What are the rules?

A. Here are Dating Kinky's Community Guidelines that apply to EVERY event and virtual space (including our site).

In addition, consent is key, especially with video.

If you like to be nude, for example, you are welcome to be! However, please keep in mind that not everyone will want to see that. So:

There will be several tables specifically set aside for nudity, and people who enjoy looking at it.

You are welcome to join other tables as long as your camera is always kept focused away from explicit bits.

If you are nude, please don't constantly proclaim this. No one really cares.

Sensuality, Sex, & Orgasms Weekend Event
Copyright ©2021 10th Cloud Inc. All rights reserved